Darrell Crouch
Darrell Crouch Principal/Managing Director P. 0892423000 M. 0412343000

Darrell John Crouch C.R.E.M. Reg. Build.

Darrell Crouch is qualified and certified in three professions, Automotive Mechanical, Real Estate & Business Management and he is a qualified Registered Builder.

Combined with comprehensive general and financial management, administration, marketing and project management experience, Darrell has operated and managed his group of companies in excess of 40 years, (1979).

Darrell has a strong commitment to business and has been the owner and a substantial shareholder and company director to a number of public and private companies associated in the property development, business broking – (mergers and acquisitions), rural industries, plantation development, real estate and the construction industries.

With Darrell’s considerable experience in value adding real estate in general, including rural properties, sub-division development, plantation development, project marketing, mining, civil engineering, real estate, property management, property development and comprehensive construction projects, it can be seen by some that the client base he services has and will have major benefits from his expertise.

Annette Cobb Residential Property Manager P. 0892423000 M. 0416090489

Annette has a vast amount of experience in all facets of real estate and has been with our company for over 17 years. Annette’s experience benefits our investment clients by saving them money in many areas by correct guidance on issues affecting their property. Annette’s standards are very high and reflect the company’s guidelines.

Dona Ranasooriya
Dona Ranasooriya Residential Property Manager P. 0892423000 M. 0414439645

Dona has years of experience in property management, sales and marketing and compliments our management team with her organisational and accurate approach to her daily tasks. Dona is actively involved in the day to day processes of property management and is an invaluable team member in this department.

Propman 3 At Darrell Crouch & Associates Pty Ltd
Propman 3 At Darrell Crouch & Associates Pty Ltd Residential Property Manager P. 0892423000
Nicole Iuliano Residential Inspection Manager P. 08 9242 3000
Philip Worsnop Commercial Manager P. 08 9242 3000
Michelle Stuart Commercial Assistant P. 08 9242 3000
Vince Di Filippo
Vince Di Filippo Property Specialist P. 0892423000 M. 0408563288
Beverly Daniel Strata Division Manager P. 08 9242 3000

Beverly is actively involved in the day to day operations within the Strata Company Management Division. Beverly compliments our management team with her organisational skills and accurate approach to daily maintenance issues. Beverly is a very hard working, conscientious member of our group.

Lee Taylor Accounts Manager P. 08 9242 3000